National Parks and Wildlife Service | Education Website and Resources


NPWS Education services the vision of lifelong learning leads to conservation. NPWS Education aims to promote lifelong learning that leads to conservation. To achieve this goal, they needed a cost-effective solution to organize all their NSW education materials, while maintaining their independence and a visual connection to the NPWS. It was imperative to ensure that all education products and representations upheld and enhanced the positive recognition of the NPWS brand.


I provided support to the NPWS Education team to help them understand their unique markets and specific needs in a learning context. My role involved creating a broad, customised site design response that could be confidently applied at scale, either in partnership or independently with third parties. I also developed a strategic visual style guide and templates for various assets, including posters and worksheets. My objective was to design and deliver high-quality assets that could be used strategically across the site while maintaining brand consistency and integrity.

Client National Parks and Wildlife Service Education - Department of Planning, Industry and Environment


  • Designed the consistent look and feel for both teacher and student Google sites

  • Art directed client’s person building the site

  • Visual style guide that is WCAG 2.0 compliant

  • Designed and built site templates and decks

  • Produced a variety of digital assets to create a toolbox, which could be utilized across numerous sites.


Gather and Grow


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